
Visa Solutions Australia
Australian Migration Agents

News: Immigration Department Public Servants Face Sack

There are over eight thousand public servants from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection that may lose some of their rights to appeals in unfair dismissal as part of the Australian Border Force’s formation.

At present before the Parliament, the Australian Border Force bill consists of provisions for the head of the new department to readily fire public servants if proven engaged with “serious misconduct”, with no appeal to the industrial arbitrator.

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New Short-Term Mobility Visa May Reduce Red Tape

Commencing July 2016, the Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection will implement a new visa program to replace the existing 400 visa. The new program is a Short-Term Mobility Visa, which will enable immigrants to work in Australia for up to 12 months without a 457 skilled migration visa.

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Are you up to date on the latest Australian visa changes?

The Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection is busy making changes. The goal of these changes is to increase the numbers of law-abiding Australian citizenship, while reducing illegal attempts to immigrate to Australia. This move might make it more complex for those faced with plans to immigrate to Australia.

One upcoming major change is the consolidation of two departments. The Department of Immigration and Border Protection and the Australia Customs and Border Protection Service will combine beginning 1 July, 2015. The new entity will be called the Australian Border Force.

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Australians show overwhelming support for immigration

new poll conducted on national identity by the Australian National University has found that Australians strongly support immigration, with nearly nine in 10 people thinking immigrants improve Australian society.

The survey found resounding support for immigration, finding it is both good for the economy and for society, although there was significant calls for stronger measures to exclude illegal immigrants.

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Australia is preparing to transfer refugees to Cambodia

Cambodia has approved the transfer of four refugees from Australia as part of a controversial agreement under which the south-east Asian nation has received almost $40 million in additional aid from Australia.

Australian Immigration Minister, Peter Dutton, says that Australia is in the process of transferring a small group of refugees to Cambodia under a resettlement deal between the two countries.

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How to apply for an Australian student visa

Before you can begin your studies in Australia, you must apply for and obtain an Australian student visa.

Unfortunately, this means you’ll have to partake in the tedious, lengthy and at times confusing process of completing a student visa application form, paying the visa application fee, and perhaps attending an interview.

When applying for an Australian student visa you need to make sure that you meet the following key Australian student visa requirements:

Are you a genuine student? To meet the criteria to be classed as a genuine student, you must show that you intend to obtain a valid educational outcome and that you are equipped with the language, educational and material background to reasonably be able to do this. When assessing whether the applicant for an Australian student visa is a genuine student, factors considered include:

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UK Immigration Crackdown

The UK is in the midst of an immigration crisis. David Cameron and the Conservatives committed, prior to the 2010 election, to reduce immigration numbers to less than 100 000 migrants entering Britain per year. Cameron cited limited jobs, pay and housing as his primary concerns in motivating him towards this goal. He also referenced the state of economic growth and low immigration levels that existed in the 1990s, as evidence that this move is achievable.

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Border Control

Major boost for Australian border controls

As Europe continues to grapple with the humanitarian catastrophe of Mediterranean migration deaths, an increasing number of countries are looking to Australia as a source of border control inspiration. Known for its tough stance on unauthorized migrants, it would seem that Australians themselves do not consider the current arrangements robust enough. In response, Australia’s border security is about to undergo a ‘once in a generation’ overhaul which is likely to mean an increasingly rigorous style of policing national boundaries. With passenger movements across the country’s borders expected to experience a sizeable increase from around 33 million people in 2012-13 to an estimated 50 million people by 2020, it is clear that innovative ways will need to be found to deal with this increasing demand. The soon to be formed Australian Border Force is seen to be the answer to this challenge and is designed to be fit for purpose for the years ahead. Here we look at the background to this new agency and how immigration will be affected by its formation.

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Immigrants and the Australian Economy’s Link to Each Other Cannot be Avoided

The response received by George Megalogenis’ Making Australia Great, the 3-part documentary shown in ABC, has been very positive. Not only that, viewers and reviewers alike have expressed their enjoyment watching the series, and seeing it embrace a sensitive topic economics which seem intimidating to the point of unfeasibility for prime time Television. It isn’t exactly something anybody would particularly be begging to watch, especially on a Tuesday night, right? But here’s where you’re wrong. The economic protectionism and the White Australia Policy, both of which emerged around this time, were 2 sides of an interconnected economic and cultural closure of our country’s boundaries.

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